This month I had my small stitched up very early in the month, just in time for Easter.
This is He Is Risen, designed by Jenny Hoffman of Country Rustic Primitives. There are very few designs out there that highlight the reason why we celebrate Easter so I was really pleased when I saw Jenny's new release. It was a quick stitch and it will be made into a pillow tuck when I'm feeling up to using the machine again.
Primitive Betty's Pure & Pleasant is on the home stretch now. I should have it finished up by day's end and so I'll hold off with a pic until it's completely finished.
I finally got around to finishing up Blackbird Designs My Dear from their leaflet The Gift Is Small. I wasn't happy with my dye lots of floss and put it on hold until I could decide what to do with it. In the end I used other overdyed threads in my stash as well as DMC to complete it. I didn't like the phrase My Dear on the piece and instead made it my own and stitched My Work.
I haven't done nearly as much stitching during my recuperation as I had hoped for. As my physio routine increases in length and difficulty so does my fatigue level. I often find myself taking an afternoon nap. Besides that I can't seem to settle in one spot for very long. I sit a few minutes, then I'm up and moving around, sit down again for a short time, move around again. You get the picture. It generally results in not much of any one thing getting completed. I'm just not comfortable sitting, walking or standing for any length of time. A good portion of this is due to the stiffness in the knee which will work itself out in good time. Unfortunately the patient is impatient!!
I was pleased to see this fine fellow in his newly acquired summer coat! I love spotting the bright yellow again as they arrive at our feeder. In addition, last night we had a couple of visitors to our backyard which appeared to be going through some sort of mating behaviour. In any case the female wasn't impressed and kept slapping the male in the face before he finally grew tired and took off. For all I know, they're both males and were just having a tiff!
Sorry about the picture quality. It was getting dark, my battery was weakening and I was trying to take these through a dirty window. Photography at its best.....not!
I'm getting some new starts kitted up and hope to have some photos of my progress for you in the very near future. See you soon!
The tulips may not be open yet but laundry is out on the line and the gazebo is back in operation so spring is here as far as I'm concerned! Our gazebo is actually more like a solarium and it maintains the heat of the sun as long as the windows are left closed. That makes it perfect to sit in during our recent sunny afternoons. The outdoor temp may be a bit cool yet but it's comfy cozy in the gazebo's interior. Bob got it all cleaned up on the weekend and found the cushions for the furniture.
I've been spending some quality stitching time out there recently. As you can see, Clarisse is pretty happy that gazebo season is here too!
The warmer weather has prompted me to start something new for spring. This sweet little stitch by Primitive Betty was calling to me. This is called Pure and Pleasant.
I love the blues and browns in this piece and it's such a pleasant design indeed!
After some neglect I brought out My Dear which you may recall is from Blackbird Designs The Gift is Small leaflet. I wasn't happy with the colours as they appeared on my fabric and after some deliberation I have swapped a few floss for other variations.
I'm still working with the colours as I go along. I might change the called for Parchment which appears in the chain motif to the right of the bird. It just doesn't stand out enough on this fabric which is a 30ct Abecedarian linen. Here's another pic of the same piece in different light. I've also displayed with it some of my new bone button collection. I use these particular types of buttons a lot on my finishes and found these beauties on Etsy.
The floss I had on order for BBD Button Box has now arrived. I'm much happier with the dye lot on this bunch and hope to resume stitching on this piece soon. Also I have another of the new market releases all kitted up and ready to go. Hopefully I'll have some pics soon. I neglected to post pics of two other gifts which I received during my convalescence. My cousin sent me two of the sweetest needleminders. One is a witch's hat and the other is a red owl. When I went to take a pic I discovered that I've misplaced the owl already! It will turn up eventually especially now that I'm feeling well enough to get back to some light housework. In the meantime, here's the witch's hat.
My dear friend and stitching buddy Pam knows of my love of birdhouses and brought me the sweetest little tabletop version of what looks like a purple martin house or is it a church?
I am so grateful for the many cards, gifts, visits and good wishes from all my friends both online and locally. Your good cheer has certainly helped in my recovery. Physio is going well but does result in some afternoon naps after a good session! In just one week I've increased the flex in my knee by 7 degrees. I hope things continue to improve in this manner and I'm out and about more as the weather gets better and better.
Happy Spring everyone! I'm also hoping everyone is enjoying a lovely and blessed Easter weekend. Things will be rather quiet here this year as I recuperate but we can always celebrate later.
One thing that I have had as I recuperate is lots of stitching time. It's a bit sporadic though since I can't seem to settle on some days but I am making progress and have a new start to share with you.
This is Blackbird Designs Button Box from their new book In Friendship's Way. I've decided to put it on hold for now though until some new floss arrive. I'm not happy with the dye lots that I have for the Old Brick (used on the flower on the right) so I've placed an order for more and hopefully the colour will be what I'm looking for. This particular colour is used quite a bit throughout the design including the bricks on the house. In the meantime I'm just starting to pick up again on BBD My Dear. You may recall I started this a few weeks back but I wasn't happy with some of the colours in this one too. So I've been through my stash and I'm trying out a few different combos to see what works. Wish me luck! I did have two finishes recently. One is Country Rustic Primitives He Is Risen which I'm holding back as my Smalls SAL for this month. I'll post pics on the 25th of this month. In addition I finished off this sweet little piece as a housewarming gift for a friend. This is Threadwork Primitives My Work.
Finishing on this will take place later when I'm more comfortable sitting at my sewing machine. I'm also considering adding my initials to this right above the flower on the left. I'm checking out various alphabets to see if I can find something that will work in that space.
My friends and family have been very good to me following my surgery. I've received many lovely gifts and lots of visits which really help to pass the time. This week I received another lovely handmade gift from my stitching buddy Theresa. She made me one of her fabulous pinch pockets and personalized it with my initials. When I opened it I found a skein of DMC hiding inside! She used a lovely fabric for the lining and the backing.
She also sent me a BBD chart, Dear Friend, as well as a lovely cut of linen which has been hand dyed by Dames of the Needlework. I'm saving the linen for a Halloween project that it will work perfectly for.
I've also received more than 6 different flower arrangements! Several have already dropped their flowers but there are a few remaining to brighten up our home. Just look at the colours of these bright daisies! They've brought a touch of spring indoors.
Then my youngest son Chris dropped by yesterday with his girlfriend and they brought me this gorgeous rose and a pot of Muscari, also known as Grape Hyacinth.
I am so very blessed to have so many people who care for me. Thank you to each and every one of you who have made my recuperation so much easier. Hugs!! I hope that all of you are as blessed as I am and that you and your families have a very lovely Easter!
Nancy over at Victorian Motto Sampler Shoppe has done it again. She's having an incredibly generous Spring Fling Giveaway. A winner will be drawn this Easter Sunday. Drop by and pay her a visit before then and join in the fun!