I'm slowly starting to catch up with my stitching now that our renovations are completed. Unfortunately I can't show my one finish since it is for an exchange. The stitching on this one is completed and I just have to do the actual finishing.

What I can show you is the square which I stitched on The Twelve Days of Christmas. Our Tuesday night stitching group meets in a local church hall. One of the members of this church approached our group with a cross stitch kit of The Twelve Days of Christmas. It's a Design Works publication and the designer is Joan Elliott. I didn't get all the details and I'm not sure if this kit had already been started and this lady was unable to finish or what but in any case we were asked if we would take on the job of finishing this piece. Several of our members volunteered and we treated the project as a round robin with each one of us finishing a different portion of the design. You either stitched a square, worked on the border, did the lettering or beading. I chose to stitch Six Geese A Laying.

I wasn't entirely happy stitching this one since I no longer enjoy stitching on aida which was the fabric plus it's just not something I would stitch myself. I did my part as a thank you to the church since they don't charge us any rental fee for the use of the hall. There's not much left to be done on this now so we should have it completed in time for the holiday.
Now that my obligation stitching is completed I can get back to stitching on Jenny Bean and some more Christmas ornaments for the challenge. I started another one last night. As I was stitching on my Tra La La Noel Sampler, I thought that a portion of the design would make a cute ornament. So this is what I'm working on at this point.
There's a definite nip in the air here now and I had to dig out my winter jacket for the first time this season. Gosh I hate bundling up!
I want to wish all of my American blogging friends a very Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you have a most enjoyable holiday with friends and family. And for those of you who are travelling during the holiday, stay safe!