It's amazing how much stitching one can accomplish when you actually have the time. Since arriving home from my surgery that's pretty much all I have on my hands right now is time. The surgery went well with just a slight complication which has left me a little more sore than usually is the case. Consequently sitting for any length of time was extremely uncomfortable the first couple of days home. This of course does not bode well for stitching! However as things start to improve I'm able to sit for longer stretches which allows me more time to stitch. I picked up my work for only a short time at first but the past two days I've been able to pretty much stitch for as long as I want. When I start to get uncomfortable I get up and take a short walk or sometimes a short nap and then I'm good to go again.

As a result, I have a finish. Home of a Needleworker Too is ready to head off to the framers. Driving is still not easy right now (bumps are a real pain) but I'm hoping that by late next week I'll be able to accompany my DH into Ottawa to the framers. I want to hang this one somewhere in the entry of our home.

I put aside Nantucket for a short while to concentrate on He Is Risen. I'd neglected this one while I was in Florida. For starters, I was afraid it would get dirty when stitching at the pool and then I realized that it was much easier to stitch this one when I had my daylight lamp at home. The lighting at my Mom's just wasn't all that good. So I spent most of yesterday on this and here's the progress I have to show.
While I was on vacation, our church made the announcement that we had found a new rector who happens to be a friend of ours. Gregor studied as a postulant at our church and we attended his ordination two years ago. We were thrilled to find out that he is being appointed the rector of our church. There will be an induction service for him, I'm guessing sometime in early June. So I started to look for a piece that I could stitch for him as a gift for the occasion. It didn't take long. I'd only just logged onto
Stitching Bits and Bobs when I saw one of the new Lizzie Kate snippets.
Prayer Connection fit the bill! I've ordered it although from another source since SB&B just take too long. Hopefully it will be a quick stitch allowing me to get it framed in time for the induction.
Finishing HoaN also meant I could start looking for a new start. I have several larger ones waiting but I don't want to start anything too big until Nantucket is finished. So I settled on two smaller stitches.
Forget Me Not by Midsummer Night Designs was my first choice but I didn't have all of the GAST called for. I quickly added what I needed to my order with the LK piece so this start will have to wait a bit. In the meantime I found fabric and floss for Primrose Needleworks
Colette's Cat Sampler. Not enough completed yet for a pic but hopefully in the next few days I can put fire under my needles.
I also have my next LHN ornie in the series but I just don't feel the urge to get started on this one yet. Perhaps it's the stitching of a Christmas piece when the weather is so springlike and lovely. I've dusted off one of the outdoor chairs and am setting myself up on the back deck to soak up some of the the warmth and watch the birds as they check out our accomodations out back. I'll check in again soon.