The ramblings of a stash obsessed, cat loving cross stitcher
I was online tonight checking out some of the new charts. Has anyone seen the new Mirabilia Christmas Tree? I like this one a lot more than last year's. I love the doves on it. I'll have to add it to my wish list which seems to be growing quickly! I should have some new stash arriving either this week or next. I was successful bidding on a couple of older Prairie Schooler charts. I'm also waiting for some fabric to arrive.
It seems my love of cross stitch is generating some interest at work. During breaks I take my stitching with me. Several women have come up to see what I'm doing and I've learned that there are a few who also stitch. One of the older ladies in housekeeping commented on my Gingher scissors. Since she doesn't have a computer and is not computer literate, I offered to buy a pair for her online. She just wanted a plain pair not the designer ones. I managed to find a pair for her for only $11 including shipping and she is just so thrilled! I've also got one of my male coworkers stitching now! He is just about finished his first piece, a snowman, and he tells me he's hooked. Also one of our secretaries is now bringing her stitching to work. She's currently working on one of those computer generated charts from a picture of her daughter. We're slowly starting to take over the table at break with all our charts, etc.!
Now I'm off to decide what to start stitching next. I have to have something to take with me in the morning to Ottawa. It's one of those times when we're in town for the whole day. The church my DH plays the organ at is in Ottawa and following the service he's rehearsing for a recital he's playing in that evening. So until the actual recital I have about 6 hrs to kill! It's just too much driving to go home and come back again at night. Sometimes I head to the stores . My LNS used to be open on Sundays but they changed their hours and they're not open any longer on Sunday. So I'll take my stitching to pass the time.
The threads I ordered for Trick or Treat Lane haven't made their appearance here yet so I'm looking for something small to start. I had a look at this month's issue of Just CrossStitch where they previewed some of the ornaments from the 2007 JC Ornaments issue. I love the Joy Snowman by SamSarah designs. That's a possibility. Also from Patterns Online I downloaded a chart by Helga Mandl called Blood Donors Needed. Since I work in a hospital lab I thought it would be a cute one to finish for the wall in our blood taking room! I'm off now to check on fabric and threads in my stash.