stitching on Coeur. The pattern was missing one of the accents on the first E in Ete. (sorry I can't put them in with this keyboard either!). It was bugging me and several of my French coworkers mentioned it so I added it tonight when I got home. I think I'd like to try another of these seasonal hearts but for now I've decided to get started on LHN Peaches. I found a piece of fabric in my stash that I think will be suitable and I plan on getting started right after this post. Easter Fairy just isn't calling to me right now. Maybe I'll take her to the Cross Stitch Cupboard's stitching retreat in the fall. When I'm with other stitchers I'm always more motivated. I don't expect I'll get too much done tonight. I'm playing catchup with my sleep. This past Tuesday night I took DS#2 to see Phantom of the Opera in Ottawa which didn't finish until quite late. Consequently we got home around 12:15am and I still had to get up at 5:00 for work! It was worth it though. I'd seen it before but I got such a kick out of seeing Daniel's reaction. He was just awestruck! He loves the theatre.
I'm thinking it's time to get started on another large project to tide me over the winter months.
Originally I'd been thinking of one of the Mirabilia mermaids but I'm not so sure now. There are so many other designers that I'm becoming interested in now thanks to seeing their works on the pages of my fellow bloggers. That's what I love about blogging, it opens so many doors to meeting new friends and seeing new works!
Over the past year, my DH and I have joined the ranks of birdwatchers. We're amateurs to this of course but we have always enjoyed watching the birds who come to our feeders. Now we're starting to know the names of some of them. One of our feeders is located right outside our dining room window where we can watch while we're eating. The other night during supper we had a newcomer to our feeder. My son was visiting for supper and he spotted it first. It had a rose coloured breast and was black with white underpatches. Turns out it was a Rose Breasted Grosbeak. I wasn't fast enough to get a picture though. Finnigan loves to sit on the back of our loveseat and watch all the goings on outside. All this time I thought he was watching the birds but it's the squirrels that really get him going. He got out briefly last night and chased one right up a telephone pole!

Adorable finish!
ReplyDeleteYour piece is soooo lovely.
ReplyDeleteI was glad to hear you went to see the Phantom. Wasn't it grand.
Get some sleep sound like you had a late night.
Stitch with Happy fingers.
I too love Phantom. It's is great to see kids react to it!
ReplyDeleteIf you are looking for a large project Lynn, a bunch of us are starting a stitch along on November 1. Dani, Christin, Kathy, and Beatrice are doing Paridigm Lost and Barb and I and maybe some others are thinking to do Cirque des cercles .... interested?
Such a pretty finish!
ReplyDeleteYes ive found blogging has opened up my eyes and wallet (!) to so many new designers.
Never seen phantom but my mum and dad seen it in London's west end and said it was the best they had ever seen.
Congrats on the pretty finish. I love your kitty pic ;)
ReplyDeleteWhat a pretty heart Lynn. Who is the designer? I see Ann has mentioned Paradigm - why don't you join us. We are looking at one day a week starting on November 1st.
ReplyDeleteHi Lynn,
ReplyDeleteBeautiful finish - I'd put that one in my house - LOL! Anyway, yes, another SAL is in order so lets start working on weekends. I think I still have the list from last time but it could possibly be the weekend of September 15th - DH is off so I could be kid free. Other weekends work as well, I just have to host here with kids or ship them to the grandparents...no big deal either way. Caleb has finally figured out how to play without including my box of floss!
Lets get a date nailed down and go from there....anyone else out there want to join us?
Congrats on your finish!!!! I'm glad to hear Phantom was great. I'm going on Wednesday... I last saw it when I was in high school over ten years ago!
ReplyDeleteI love your finish, and Finnigan looks so cute sitting by the window. I really enjoyed Phantom when I saw it some time ago.