My post will be brief for this month since I've had some minor surgery on my hand and the dressing & bandages are making it difficult to type this. I'm doing the 2 finger peck, lol!
I am so pleased to tell you that this month I had a finish of a WIP that has been 3 1/2 yrs in progress. I have always loved This Is The Day but it has been shoved to the side repeatedly in favour of other starts. I was determined that it would be completed this year. This Is The Day is designed by Hands To Work Designs.
I'm so pleased with it! I ran into one problem towards the end and that was that the dye lot of the floss used for the background on the lettering and numbers was completely different from one skein to the other. I don't know why I never clued in. What I did instead was to find a similar colour by another company and use it instead. So the background on the lettering is stitched with one colour and the numbering with another. I think they matched fairly well. The colour of the fabric didn't photograph all that well. It is darker than it appears in the pic.
Following this finish I dug out Paper Snowflakes once more and settled in. Here is the most recent progress pic.
I am actually a little further than this pic indicates as I am almost finished the snow woman's skirt now. In addition I have another new start by Nan Lewis of Threadwork Primitives called Wandering Heart. I'll have a pic next month as I'm not very far into it yet. I'll also have these bandages off by next month and can type more easily. Thank goodness it's my left hand so I am still able to stitch!
February's weather to date has allotted lots of stitching time. I managed to finish up a large project that I've been working at on and off for 3 years. I'll show pics of it on my WIPocalypse post later this month. In the meantime I got started on one of several smalls projects I pulled out.
This one stitched up more quickly than I expected. It's by Blackbird Designs and is from their book, A Stitcher's Journey. It's called Tulip House Stitching Companion.
I'm going to finish this one off on a small primitive slate, similar to this finish I did a little while ago.
I wanted to show you the sweet Valentine's package I received from Gable House Goodes this month as part of their seasonal candle club. In addition to a candle you receive a seasonal mix of potpourri and often some wax melts. The club is closed for this year but I believe it starts up again in the fall.
Look at those lovely, little roses! They smell heavenly too. Despite a fairly recent dump of snow the weather has turned rather mild and has attracted a number of feathered friends to our feeder. Here is a sampling of what I observed this week.
I was thrilled to see the cardinal since he hasn't made an appearance for quite some time. As for the robin, he and a number of his friends stay in the area for the winter. There must be a good food supply for them. Love the purple finch too! Now I'm off to join my local craft group for lunch and then a couple of hours of stitching. I hope you all have a wonderful day!