Thursday, 25 March 2010
Sunny & Stitchin'
Monday, 22 March 2010
An Award

Thank you so very much to Andrea for nominating me for this award.
Here's how the award works. The rules are simple.
1. You must accept the award.
2. Thank the person who gave you the award.
3. Add a link to the person who gave you the award.
4. Paste the award on your blog.
5. Write 10 things about yourself that others might not know.
6. Pass the award on to 10 others.
Okay so here goes:
10 things you might not know about me
1. I play the flute, although it's been some time since I've had it out of its case.
2. I love olives. I put them on just about anything like salads, chili, sloppy joes, etc.
3. I'm a big fan of science fiction movies, in fact it's possible I'm even a closet trekkie!
4. I'm a sucker for cats, any cat! I'd love to bring them all home with me.
5. I'm a carbohydrate junkie which I'm desperately trying to change.
6. I use to figure skate but I'd be hard pressed to do (or have) any kind of figure now.
7. I love receiving flowers, although DH hasn't quite clued in to that yet!
8. I'm born to shop, I come by it naturally thanks to my Mom.
9. I work in a Chemistry lab but I have a passion for forensics.
10. I sing in a church choir directed by DH and have an appreciation of choral music.
Now for the 10 blogs I like to pass this on to.
1. It's Daffycat
2. Stitching Sister
3. Aussie Stitcher
4. Squazi & The Chickens
5. Notes From Blue Hen Hollow
6. An Eye For Threads
7. Scout's Stitches
8. Kajsa's Stitching and More
9. Hooked On Stitches
10. At Brigitte's Place
I hope I haven't offended anyone by omitting them since there are many blogs out there that I read and enjoy. I've tried to put out there a lot of the new blogs I've been reading along with some familiar favourites. Also I totally understand if you are not into awards. As far as I'm concerned don't feel obligated. These awards are a way of introducing people to new blogs and stitchers out there but I know that we live in a hectic world where there's often little time for things outside of our usual routine.
Saturday, 20 March 2010
Oh Deer!
In keeping with the lovely spring weather we've been having here lately, I wanted to start something new for Easter. I'd been looking for a small piece to do, preferably something with religious undertones to it rather than the usual Easter fare of bunnies and chicks. When I picked up the March/April issue of JCS, I knew I'd found what I'd been looking for. Inside was a little Easter piece by Diane Williams of LHN called He is Risen. I had all the necessary supplies in my stash and got started on this one last week. Above is a progress pic as of last night. I'm doing it on a white linen but in this picture it sure doesn't look white. Of course, true to form, I'll have it ready for next Easter rather than this year.
Believe it or not, that Mirabilia Easter Fairy that I started 2 years ago is still hanging around waiting for her beading to be complete. I know, I'm so close to finishing her off but I just can't bring myself to pick it up again. No excuse, and I just can't explain it!
Next up is my LHN ornie finish for this month. Just a Flake stitched up very quickly but somewhere along the way I screwed up in my counting. Consequently when I stitched in the snow at the bottom, his boots were resting one row above it. I stitched an extra row of snow rather than dealing with the frogs.
the car trip there that I realized she really can meow when the need arises. She's had vaccines before with no problems but shortly after we returned home she started vomiting. At first I thought that maybe she'd been a little car sick or it was just a reaction to the stress of the situation. But after 7 or 8 episodes along with some bowel movements outside the litter box, I realized we had a problem. Phoned the vet and found ourselves back in the car again for a return trip. More outraged meowing on the way.
CLARISSE UPDATE: The vet just called with an update and said that Clarisse is no longer being sick and seems much brighter. If she continues like this we can bring her home tomorrow.
Saturday, 6 March 2010
The Lost is Found

- WIPocalypse (104)
- Plum Street Samplers (74)
- Smalls SAL (73)
- Blackbird Designs (69)
- TUSAL (37)
- With Thy Needle and Thread (37)
- Threadwork Primitives (35)
- Heartstring Samplery (29)
- Stacy Nash (20)
- Clarisse (19)
- Family (19)
- LHN (19)
- Prairie Schooler (18)
- Birds (17)
- Rosewood manor (17)
- Country Rustic Primitives (16)
- Giveaway (14)
- Little House Needleworks (14)
- Ornament SAL (12)
- SFS (12)
- Shakespeare's Peddler (12)
- Sub Rosa Designs (12)
- Torah Stitch By Stitch (12)
- The Primitive Hare (11)
- Hands To Work (10)
- La D Da (10)
- Tra La La (10)
- A Mon Ami Pierre (9)
- BBD (9)
- Birds of a Feather (9)
- Halloween (9)
- The Primitive Needle (9)
- The Stitcherhood (9)
- Carriage House Samplings (8)
- Pineberry Lane (8)
- Acorn Hill (7)
- America (7)
- Gift (7)
- Magic Garden Sampler (7)
- Midsummer Night Designs (7)
- Primitive Betty (7)
- SAL (7)
- Thanksgiving (7)
- WIPocalypse SAL (7)
- gifts (7)
- giveaway winnings (7)
- Antiques (6)
- Feather Your Nest (6)
- Gobble (6)
- M Designs (6)
- Paradis Perdu (6)
- Snowy owls (6)
- The Little Stitcher (6)
- The Scarlett House (6)
- Their Song (6)
- Willow Hill Samplings (6)
- grandchildren (6)
- By The Bay Needleart (5)
- Easter (5)
- Framing (5)
- Garden flowers (5)
- Ghoul (5)
- Giveaway wins (5)
- Kathy Barrick (5)
- Lizzie Kate (5)
- Muskoka (5)
- Notforgotten Farm (5)
- Primitive Acorns (5)
- Shakespeare's Peddler (5)
- Smalls finishing (5)
- The Sampler Girl (5)
- Turkey Love (5)
- Wedding Sampler (5)
- ornaments (5)
- Alisa (4)
- Canada Day (4)
- Christmas Decor (4)
- Dulaney Woods Treasures (4)
- Duo Noel (4)
- Early Workings (4)
- Jenny Bean's Christmas (4)
- Nouveau Encore Designs (4)
- Olga (4)
- Peace Inside (4)
- RAK (4)
- Silver Creek Samplers (4)
- Snowfall (4)
- Spring Quaker (4)
- Stash addition (4)
- Sunflower House (4)
- Wednesday craft group (4)
- wildlife (4)
- A Wicked Plant (3)
- Annie Beez FolkArt (3)
- Barbara Ana (3)
- Boating (3)
- Breath of Spring (3)
- Christmas Giveaway (3)
- Christmas Greetings (3)
- Christmas Morning (3)
- Enchanted Crow (3)
- Family visit (3)
- Full Circle Designs (3)
- Halloween Quaker (3)
- Happy New Year (3)
- Heart in Hand Needleart (3)
- Helga Mandl (3)
- Jardin Prive (3)
- Jeannette Douglas Designs (3)
- Maissonnette aux Fraises (3)
- Martine290 (3)
- O Canada (3)
- PSS retreat (3)
- Prairie Moon (3)
- Primitive Stitchin' (3)
- Quilt of Belonging (3)
- Retirement (3)
- Spring Quakers (3)
- Stash (3)
- Sweet Little Berries (3)
- The Country Garden Stitchery (3)
- The Sunflower Seed (3)
- Tree of Life Samplings (3)
- Victorian Motto Giveaway (3)
- 'Tis The Season (2)
- Alessandra Adelaide Needleworks (2)
- Angel Stitchin (2)
- Antique Sampler (2)
- Autumn (2)
- Blue Ribbon Designs (2)
- Busy Nothings (2)
- Cathy Livingston (2)
- Christmas (2)
- Count Your Blessings (2)
- Exchange (2)
- Fall for Squirrels (2)
- Feelin' Festive (2)
- Finishing (2)
- Gazette 94 (2)
- Give Thanks (2)
- Granddaughters (2)
- Halloween stitching (2)
- Hocus Pocus (2)
- Maisonnette aux Fraises (2)
- My Big Toe Designs (2)
- Name Tree (2)
- Pheasant Street Samplers (2)
- Psalm 103 (2)
- Sew a Brown Bunny (2)
- Summer House Stitche Workes (2)
- Teresa Murgida (2)
- The Nebby Needle (2)
- The Primitive Apple (2)
- Travelling pattern (2)
- Tulip Festival (2)
- Vacation (2)
- Valentine (2)
- Valentine Quaker (2)
- VeeandCo (2)
- Winter (2)
- fabric (2)
- friends (2)
- gazebo (2)
- iStitch Designs (2)
- spring (2)
- storm (2)
- AAN (1)
- Advent (1)
- Anniversary (1)
- Art Festival (1)
- BAP (1)
- Bells (1)
- Bent Creek (1)
- Birthday gifts (1)
- Boats (1)
- Boo Tree (1)
- Brittercup Designs (1)
- Cardinal (1)
- Carousel Charts (1)
- Cast All Your Cares (1)
- Celebrations (1)
- Chinatown (1)
- Christmas Love (1)
- Christmas Ornament Challenge (1)
- Christmas light show (1)
- Christmas tree (1)
- Cosmic Handmade (1)
- Cottage Garden Samplings (1)
- Counting pins (1)
- Danybrod (1)
- Do You See What I See? (1)
- Dutch Tulip (1)
- Easter Treasure Hunt (1)
- English Garden (1)
- Fall (1)
- Fall activities (1)
- Flood (1)
- Florida trip (1)
- Forster 90th reunion (1)
- Forster band reunion (1)
- Frogs (1)
- Giveaway winners (1)
- Got Luck (1)
- Hands of the Few (1)
- Hillside Samplings (1)
- Holidays (1)
- Homespun Elegance (1)
- Homespun Prims (1)
- Jaunty Fox Designs (1)
- Jim Shore (1)
- Lizard (1)
- Log Cabin Needleworks (1)
- Loon (1)
- Market Releases (1)
- Market purchases (1)
- Merrickville (1)
- Mother's Day (1)
- Mothers Day (1)
- Mukoka (1)
- Nashville Needlework Market (1)
- Needleworke Press (1)
- Nikyscreations (1)
- Noel (1)
- Noel ornament (1)
- Ottawa (1)
- Patriotic stitches (1)
- Patty C Designs (1)
- Playing Cards (1)
- Prairie Fairie (1)
- Primive Stitchin' (1)
- Primrose Needleworks (1)
- Pumpkin (1)
- Pumpkin Inferno (1)
- Pumpkin carvings (1)
- Purchases (1)
- Quaker Valentines (1)
- Quaker d'Halloween (1)
- Quilt show (1)
- RR (1)
- Rabbit's Delight (1)
- Red Birds for Peace (1)
- Rhubarb loaf (1)
- Rideau Canal (1)
- Robin (1)
- SamSarah Designs (1)
- San-Man Originals (1)
- Secret Snowdrift (1)
- Smalls displays (1)
- Snow Geese (1)
- Soar Sampler (1)
- Spooky Halloween (1)
- Spring decor (1)
- St. Patrick's Day (1)
- Stitching get together (1)
- Stitching group (1)
- Stone and Thread (1)
- Summer (1)
- Summer Blog Hop (1)
- Summer House Stitcheworks (1)
- Summer Vacation (1)
- Sunset (1)
- TOGA (1)
- Tall Ships (1)
- Tatting (1)
- The Cricket Collection (1)
- The Gift of Stitching (1)
- The Good Shepherd (1)
- The Musical Ride (1)
- The Trilogy (1)
- Tra La La Paradis Perdu (1)
- Trail Creek Farms (1)
- Turkeys (1)
- Twelve Days of Christmas (1)
- WIP (1)
- Waxers (1)
- Waxing Moon (1)
- Weather Wise (1)
- Wedding anniversary (1)
- Whispered By The Wind (1)
- Winter Sampler (1)
- Winterlude (1)
- Witches Garden (1)
- X-Appeal Designs (1)
- ` (1)
- accident (1)
- annual goals (1)
- award (1)
- baking (1)
- blog party (1)
- blogging break (1)
- choir (1)
- cottage (1)
- crumpets (1)
- graduation (1)
- hardwood floors (1)
- hawk (1)
- holiday greetings. (1)
- prom (1)
- reunion (1)
- train derailment (1)
- weddings (1)
- zombie (1)