I'm feeling much more relaxed now. First I had a lovely Mother's Day celebration. My youngest son Chris treated me to lunch at my favourite deli in Ottawa for the occasion. Then I celebrated my birthday the following day at the home of my son Daniel. Bob, Dan and I had a lovely dinner at a local Greek restaurant followed by birthday cake back at Dan's place. Since the boys are all scattered now in different locales it's hard to ever get together with all three. My oldest, who is the furthest away, called me with his wishes.
Next our lab accreditation, on which I've worked non-stop for the past few months, finally finished up this past Friday. My area saw only one minor non-compliance which I have 90 days to correct. What was the first thing I did when I got home? I picked up my stitching which had been woefully neglected for most of the previous month. I didn't have too much time to spend with it though because we were expecting house guests on Saturday night and believe me, my house was in major need of a cleaning.

Cleaning finished, I headed out Saturday morning to spend a day at
Dani's house for a SAL. What a great day! I got to see Dani,
Rebecca, Beatrice,
Kathy, Barb (all of whom I've stitched with before) and a new friend, Beth. I had not spent a day stitching like this in so long and I hadn't realized just how much I needed it. It was so much fun seeing everyone's WIP and catching up with each other. As you can see in the pictures, even Hunter got in on the act! Another SAL is already in the works for June at Barb's home but unfortunately I'll have to miss this one since I'll be away. When I returned that evening my guests had just arrived so it was perfect timing. Thanks Dani for a wonderful day! The proof is in the pics.
Left - Beatrice Right - Rebecca

Left - Kathy
Right - Barb
Bottom left - Beth

I spent a good portion of the time at Dani's working on my Spring Lace. It's coming along well and I'm really enjoying it. Last night after our guests had left I pulled out the little By the Bay freebie, Bayview Estate. I should have this one finished in the next couple of days. What to start next? I haven't kept up with any ornaments the past couple of months but I feel like I need a break from those anyways. After all I still haven't completed the finishing on most of last year's!

So I'm browsing through my stash trying to see what grabs my attention this time. The wind has picked up and the sky is turning dark so I guess it's time I got my wash off the line. Until next time happy stitching! I'll leave you with a picture of our provincial flower, the Trillim, which Bob photographed on his way home from work last week.
Lynn I'm so glad you made it and really enjoyed seeing you again! It's been wayyy too long! I hope to see you again, sooner!
ReplyDeleteCan you send me the pics of me and hunter?
Lynn...I understand about how hard you've worked at your job....oh my do I understand! You look like you've had a fabulous bunch of celebrations and get togethers and all your stitching looks divine as always. I hope that the seas are calm and it is smooth sailing with lots of stitching!
ReplyDeleteIt was wonderful to spend the day with you...can't wait to do it again!
ReplyDeleteLynn, I LOVE your blog background! It's so pretty and springy:)
ReplyDeleteI know you ladies had a great time and I'm so happy you were all able to get together.
Your wip is beautiful!
Didn't we just have the best time...my sides still hurt from laughing!!!
ReplyDeletePretty stitching too!
There are so many Trillium's our ways as well.Nice photo.
Sounds like a great SAL day! Wish some of my friends were stitchers!
ReplyDeleteHave a good weekend x
Oh Lynn, what a great SAL day you all could spend. It must have been pure pleasure.
ReplyDeleteI love the little By the Bay freebie and I think I will stitch it very soon.
It was wonderful getting to spend the day with you. I have missed you.
ReplyDeleteBelated Happy Birthday wishes my friend and hope to see you soon.
Sounds and looks like you had a wonderful weekend, what a fun treat and stitching get together. I love your two projects, and I'm still awed by your earlier Cirques des Cercles finish, it's so gorgeous.