This morning, after checking all the comments on my latest post, I had my DH draw a winner from all those who commented.
Pam, your name was chosen to receive an item stitched by me! I'm excited but also a little nervous about this since this is the first time I've finished anything for anyone like this. However I am so grateful for all the friendships I've made in the past year that I wanted to do something. Pam I have your email and will let you know when I'm ready to ship your item. If you could send me your snail mail (especially here in Canada!) address, that would be great. I've already started work on the item and hope to have it done by next weekend or shortly after. I have a weeks holidays coming to me next week during which time I hope to get in a lot of stitching. However it seems something always crops up so keep your fingers crossed! Thank you all for your comments. I enjoy hearing from all of you.
Since I'm off next week I'm going to take one day to visit Watertown, NY where I know there is a Joanne's Fabrics in the hope of finding some supplies for finishing. I don't find there is much of anything locally. There are also some department stores there that I love to frequent so I'm taking a friend along with me and we're making a day of it.
I promised a pic of my new start so here it is.
The pattern is one which I obtained from My Aunt's Attic. Since these patterns are not named I've dubbed this one Butterflies for now. I'm using a Dinky Dyes silk which I got in my goodie bag at retreat last fall. Blue is my favourite colour and I love the shade of this one. If you haven't yet checked out this particular blog, make sure that you do. As explained on the site, these patterns were found by Lillian Kok of the Netherlands in the attic of her husband's aunt. It is not known who the designers are. There are an incredible amount of gorgeous patterns, all free to download. It's well worth a visit!

Other than stitching on this piece and my stitching gift I haven't accomplished much of anything. It's been a lousy week here for gardening.... too much rain. The rain managed to beat down all my peonies and I was only able to save a couple of blooms for the house. I planted some Gerber daisies in my front garden but I not having much luck with them. They don't tolerate the heat well and this garden faces south so I find that by noon my poor daisies are wilting. Since I don't return home from work until around 4, they're looking pretty sad by then. I'm thinking of pulling them out to put in pots and planting something else in their place.
Not much else going on here right now. I'm working the weekend and will take my stitching along with me in the hopes that it's quiet and I can sneak in some extra stitches. I'm in the mood to stitch on Weather Wise tonight and I also plan on getting in some time on CdC next week while I'm off. Right now I'm headed off to do some baking. I've got a wicked craving for date squares right now and I don't think I've baked anything in the past 2 years since the boys all left home. It's way overdue!
Hurray and Rah! For Pam ;)
ReplyDeleteI love your welcome flowers...how pretty!
I also love your WIP...a beautiful color of floss you are using....love it!
Now just putting the idea of date squares in my mind has me craving something...
ReplyDeleteI'm new to blogging but love cross stitch and have just started my own blog. I love the blue in your new stitching. As I;m from England I know all about rain!! but my poor flowers suffered this week as the dog broke some down!!
Please feel free to check out my blog, it's in its early stages but I am looking forward to contacting new friends through it.
Happy Bloggaversary! Love your new start!
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your holiday!
Your flowers are pretty. I miss the peonies.
Wow! My first time winning, I'm so excited! Please don't be nervous, everything you do is beautiful =) Next thursday is DD's last day of school and I won't be working as much, so I too hope to get more stitching in. Absolutely love the blue on your new start, it's so vibrant. I have found so many nice freebies from My Aunt's Attic, I have a file just for the ones I've saved, now if I could just do some heh. Hope you have a wonderful week off, and thank you!
ReplyDeleteYou've certainly been busy stitching. Your Merry Tree, Secret Garden, and Joy finishes were all lovely, and your new start is gorgeous. I love that color blue you selected. What a lovely pattern. I so enjoyed Schoolgirl lessons and it being all one color (makes stitching so restful when I'm not changing flosses all the time) that I'm looking for other ideas for some monochromatic designs, I'll have to check out that website. Happy belated Blogaversary.