It was steady at work so I didn't take the time to do any stitching. I also had some loose ends I wanted to take care of before my holidays. However it was beautiful both days when I got home so I sat out on the deck to do my stitching. Perfect weather actually... sunny and temps around 24 C ( 80 F) even though it rained most of the morning on both days. I spent the time working on Butterflies and Weather Wise. I spent all of my time finishing the red house on Weather. Had a really hard time of it too. My stitches just didn't seem to be very neat and I spent a lot of time frogging and restitching. At least it's out of the way now.
Butterflies on the other hand is great fun! An easy stitch and the blue is just so pretty to work with. I'm enjoying this one so much that I'm going to have to check out some more of these patterns. I see that
Judy is doing a red monochrome of one now.

During my time spent out on the deck I let Finnigan join me. I only let him out for a short time when one of us is sitting out there. He's really not an outdoor cat and I don't let him roam. On Sunday I thought it was best to let him out since my DH was trying to get the back door painted and Finn kept getting in the way. At one point Bob had propped the door open just a smidge to let it dry. I cut through the garage to head out and water my plants only to find Finnigan in the back yard when I got out there. I don't know how he managed to squeeze through that little opening but he did. There was a clump of his fur stuck to the fresh paint on the door to prove it! The door was only open about an inch or so and didn't appear to be disturbed. Usually if he opens something with his paw he pushes it open quite a bit further.
I checked his fur but couldn't find the paint probably because he's a sealpoint and the paint we're using is the same colour brown as his fur.

In any case I thought it was safer to just let him stay out there with me until the door had dried.
He was good company and sat watching me(on Bob's chair of course!) as I stitched.
Last night I was checking out some of the designs added to one of the online shops and discovered a designer which is new to me.
MiLady's Needle has some lovely new charts. I love the Quaker Christmas smalls. I'm really developing a love for these Quaker designs. It's funny how your tastes can change. A few years ago I would never have thought of stitching anything like this.
Looks like my plans for the week are changing already. My youngest was supposed to have all his wisdom teeth removed on Wednesday. He needs to be picked up after the appointment and was going to come home with me for a couple of days.When I called him to check on the time I discovered that he has a whopper of a cold. He'd just called the dentist to inform them and no, they won't do anything while he's sick. Now we have to schedule another date when we're both off. Sounds simple but our days are limited by our conflicting schedules plus the fact that he won't be covered under my insurance once he's finished his courses in the fall. I may just have to put in for a "sick" day in order to get this done. I hate doing that but can't book any other vacation time during the summer and don't really feel like forking out the $1600 to cover it in the fall!
I'd also hoped to see my grandchildren later in the week but now Jeff isn't sure if he can make the trip since he might have to work some overtime. This is a new job for him which he is loving and he doesn't want to say no. Guess I'll have a lot more time for stitching!
Aah, I see the sun trying to make an appearance now after all the morning's rain. Keep your fingers crossed, there's nothing I hate more than a week of rain when I don't have to work.
Happy stitching everyone!!