Okay so I've been tagged by
1. Once you are tagged, link back to the person who tagged you.
2. Post THE RULES on your blog.
3. Post 7 weird or random facts about yourself on your blog.
4. Tag 7 people and link to them.
5. Comment on their blog to let them know they have been tagged
I'm not very good about doing these but here goes:
1. I love organ and choral music. I listen to lots of other types of music but you must admit that there are probably very few people out there who like this type! I could blame the organ music on my DH (an organist) but I've loved choral music long before we got together and sing in choirs.
2. I'm a shopaholic. This one I'm definitely blaming on my Mom!
3. I love olives and lately I've been putting sliced olives on everything - salads, chili, in sanwiches... well you get the idea.
4. I'm a huge cat lover and can't imagine living without one! I even had a fur-covered stuffed cat that I carried around everywhere with me as a child.
5. I pull my hair...a kind of obsessive thing but then a lot of stitchers I know are obsessive, at least about their stash!
6.I don't watch a lot of TV. I prefer to read or stitch. If the TV is on, it's often just for background noise.
7. I'm really not very coordinated and have very poor balance. My hubby teases that some of his entertainment comes from watching me try to stand on one leg and put on my shoes or socks.
Now it's my turn to tag! I'm tagging
Wendy, Sue,
Cheryl, Vonna, and
I've had a really stressful week at work and when I return on Wednesday it looks like more of the same. It seems there are two separate illnesses making the rounds of staff - colds and the stomach flu. Consequently we are even more short staffed and it's putting a strain on everyone. This past weekend they even quarantined one of the wards in the hospital because of the outbreak. I normally work with one other person plus my supervisor in Chemistry but on Friday I worked alone. Between work and commuting in some lousy weather I just haven't felt much like stitching when I've returned home. I didn't even touch CdC this week! I was so looking forward to it but ended up doing some frogging after two attempts and decided to hold off on it until next week.
I have managed to get some stitches in on Warm Winter Wishes. I just have the rest of the lettering to complete as well as a few of the snowflakes and then it's happy dance time. One thing I noticed about this fabric is that there are a couple of folds which I haven't been able to iron out. They were present on the fabric from the time I bought it. I've ironed it with steam and the creases remain. Any ideas on how to rid myself of them?

Valentine's Day my DH hoped to ease some of my stress by taking me for a delightful dinner. We celebrated at a local spot called
The Village Antiques & Tea Room. I always want to call it the Williamsburg Tea Room since it's located in the village of Williamsburg, ON. Besides being a restaurant it is also a B&B and an antiques shop. The restaurant is filled with antiques and is very small and intimate. I think there are only 6 or 7 tables all told. We had a lovely dinner of Chateaubriand. My hubby had never had this and I convinced him to try it. It was the right decision since it was delicious. We topped things off with warm apple crumble. Yummy! After our meal we wandered through the shop checking out things. Bob spied some liquer glasses that were produced in the 1920's by a company called Farber Bros. They're chrome plated and rather unique. So I purchased them for him for his Valentine gift! They only had 2 left but I've since found some on ebay and hope to complete the set for him.
I heard back from my cousin and we both agree that we think her daughter would prefer
My Big Toe Designs The Wedding as a gift for her upcoming wedding. I received the chart today and when I go into Ottawa tomorrow I'll look for some fabric and floss. The chart calls for 34ct linen but I've only ever stitched on no higher than a 32 ct. Plus I think it will be difficult to find a 34ct around here. I'm also starting to check out my stash for other new projects. It won't be long before WWW and my Angel Stitchin ornament are done and I'll need some replacements. Then I think that maybe it's time to pick up Mirabilia's Easter Fairy again. We'll see!
As you can see from the photo below, Finnigan is quite comfy as I blog. He's settled himself into the closet here in the downstairs bedroom which also serves as an office. Of course he managed to find my favourite throw to lie on. I've been looking everywhere for it and didn't realized that my son had thrown it into this box when he last visited us. Finnigan however has found it for me. I guess that I'll be brushing fur off of it before I'm able to use it again.

I've had a few new visitors to my blog lately and want to tell you how much I enjoy your comments. I love meeting new people and when you comment it also gives me the chance to visit your blog and see what you've been up to. So many of the designers that I love I would never have known about had it not been for all of you out there. So thanks, and drop by anytime!