So consequently I had to check my stash again. I wanted to do something snowman related and I finally came up with Waxing Moon's Warm Winter Wishes. This is just as cute as the HS piece which I will get to eventually. It's done on a 25ct fabric which is much easier to deal with at the moment. I had all but three of the required GAST in my stash which I immediately put an order in for online. They've already been shipped so it shouldn't hold me up too much.
Both of my sisters are big lovers of snowman so I hope to do each of them a small framed piece for their family rooms. I'll either give them as birthday gifts or save them until next Christmas depending on how fast I move. The first birthday comes in late April so I should be good by then.

I also managed to get my threads together for a couple of ornies. Now there's just the matter of fabric. Jennifer commented on my last post and has extended an invitation to me to join in her Christmas Ornament SAL.
This might be all the motivation I need to keep me on track with these. If I can finish even 4 ornaments this year I'll be pleased. Thanks Jennifer!! That's the thing I love about blogging. It gives me the opportunity to constantly meet new stitching friends.
The weather here today has got so mild. A good portion of our snow has melted. No flooding so far but it's certainly brought some wicked fog with it! It was so bad tonight coming home from work that I postponed my trip to the gym. A convenient excuse perhaps but when I saw the school bus that had taken a nose dive into the ditch because of poor visibility it convinced me to stay at home this evening. The bus was empty when I came across the scene. We can only hope that it was empty at the time of the incident. Otherwise I think there would have been an awful lot of frightened children! I can hardly see across to my neighbour's house at this point and I pray that it's not this bad tomorrow morning when I head off to work. I leave just before 6 and it's always still dark at that time.
My poor Finnigan has not been himself lately. He seems to have some kind of stomach or bowel disorder. He's not making too many trips to the litter box but when he does it's awful. Since he's a longhair, some things tend to stick to his fur if you get my drift! Then wherever he lies down he's leaving his scent behind. It's just awful and DH is threatening to move out. (Bob has never been a cat lover.) I can tell Finnigan's not himself. He's still eating well but he seems rather listless and his fur just doesn't have the same look to it as usual. I think I'm going to change vets. Our current vet is a lovely man but he is eighty now (still practising!) and starting to cut back on his hours. Finnigan had a similar problem in the summer and the vet was stymied. They never did find out what the problem was. There are two other vet services in the area so I think tomorrow I'll call one of them and set up an appointment asap. I'll let you know how we make out.
Awww I hope Finnigan is okay!
ReplyDeleteThat's a lovely new start Lynn!
Your CdC is so pretty. I love the colors you chose ;)
ReplyDeleteYour stitching is so pretty...Can't wait to see more of WWW...it's gonna be beautiful on the fabric you chose :)
ReplyDeleteSo sorry for Finigan...I hope he's better soon!
Glad to here you are FINALLY going for new glasses! They will make the world of difference! Hope finnigan is feeling more himself shortly...
ReplyDeletePoor finnigan. Hope you find a new vet.
ReplyDeleteI joined the Christmas ornie sal last January and only stitched 2 ornies all year!! Poor show! This year i would like to stitch one a month but i know that wont happen...6 for the year would be good!
CdC looks so pretty! Congrats on finishing page 1. Im nearly there
I hope you get those new glasses soon, can't let anything put a crimp in our stitching plans! Poor Finnigan, I hope he gets fixed up and its nothing serious.
ReplyDeleteGood lick with Finnigan....poor thing!
ReplyDeleteWhen I got my new glasses it was like I was in a new world..Enjoy them when you get them.
CdC is looking great. I love the color!
I think for me I have enough on my plate for now Happy stitching
Poor Finnigan! I hope he's feeling better soon.
ReplyDeleteHi Lynn,
ReplyDeleteI hear you re: choosing new glasses. And how straining on the eyes stitching can be. I don't think that I'd ever care to try stitching on a count smaller then 32. I try to use good light whenever I stitch, but even then it can be hard to see.
And it's so frustrating picking new glasses when the only way I can see the sample frames on me is by standing with my nose pressed against the mirror. Which sort of distorts the image....or do I really, actually look like that??
Your new stitching start looks interesting and I look forward to seeing the design develop. I love seeing snowflakes stitched in so many different ways.
I think that you've made great progress on CdC, even if you've had limited stitching time. Gosh, this is such a pretty design. And it's fun going over to the website and seeing all the variations in how it's been stitched by other stitchers.
Your granddaughters look so cute opening their Christmas gifts. Summer appears to have quite delightfully curly hair. Oceanne (love her name) has a lovely, bright smile.
I hope poor Finnigan is feeling better. What is it with boy cats and their internal plumbing?? Hopefully a new vet will be able to pin point the problem and get it fixed. Is Finnigan on regular cat food or a special diet??
Have you been enjoying the gale force winds we've had off and on this week?? We got that fog too. What a crazy winter for weather it's been so far.
CdC is looking so pretty, and very nice start on Wishes. I really like Waxing Moon Designs, especially the Christmas/Winter and Halloween ones. I have several in my stash. Hopefully you'll get your glasses soon and not have the difficulty with the linen.
ReplyDeleteSo sorry to hear Finnigan wasn't feeling well. It's so hard when our pets don't feel good and they can't tell us what's wrong. I hope he's recovered now and that he won't have anymore of the problem.
Christmas Play looks so cute finished in your earlier post, and your holiday pictures were wonderful. Good luck with your 2008goals.
I hope poor Finnigan is himself again soon. YOur stitching is beautiful as always. Look forward to seeing Warm Winter Wishes come together. Cirque is coming along nicely. Please post a photo on the SAL blog when you can.
ReplyDelete(((Lynn))) It was good to catch up. :o) I'm glad you had a great Christmas time and your stitching is as beautiful as always.