I'm a little late to the party with my January stitching but things are now progressing well. The illness I had for most of December resurfaced just after the new year so I was down and out for the first two weeks or so of the new year. I'm just starting to feel like I'm getting back to my old self now. I started off the new year with a Christmas stitch! If you read my WIPocalypse goals under the page beneath my header you will see that I had several Christmas stitches listed as a possibility for the coming year. I decided to go with A Yuletide Welcome by Plum Street Samplers.
This is a fairly large piece, one which I had actually started several years ago not long after it was released. I wasn't happy with my fabric choice though and didn't get very far into the stitching before I ditched it. I love this design and it's one that can really be left up year round. So I dug through my stash and found a suitable fabric on a higher count than my original.....40 ct Lakeside Linen Buttercream. Because it's a larger project, I decided to get started at it now while there was still snow on the ground and I felt like working on a Christmas stitch. Normally I would put it aside sometime around March and bring it out again in the fall to finish. However I know that I'll never get it done this year if I do that. The plan is to stitch on this for at least one full week every month until it's finished. The house is huge and I'll start stitching the roof of it in February. So far I'm much happier than with my original start. The rest of January I have alternated A Yuletide Welcome with a WIP from last year. Willow Hill Samplings Pennsylvania Dutch Sampler is another larger project which I'm really enjoying. It's a monochromatic stitch and I've chosen a limited edition Gentle Art floss called Cardinal. I'm stitching it on 40 ct Silkweaver Burmese Beige. I've included a pic of my 2019 progress as well as this month's. The second pic is a more accurate capture of the colour of the fabric.
I am thrilled with how this is turning out! The floss looks so good on this particular fabric and I wish I could stitch on nothing else. I also managed to complete 2 small winter ornaments which I will be posting on the final day of January as part of the 2020 Smalls SAL. Hope you'll drop by then!
I thought that I had posted this earlier in the month but apparently I hadn't! For those of you who don't know me I'm Kearnel (Lynn) and I live in Ontario, Canada just 45 min southeast of Canada's capital city, Ottawa. I'm retired and have been cross stitching for 40 years now. Wow! I didn't realize it had been that long! I've been a part of the WIPocalypse group since it's very beginning. I find that having to post a monthly update keeps me motivated and on track, for the most part. Rather than listing all my goals on this post I have put them all in a page at the top of my blog. The WIPocalypse 2020 page is right under my blog header photo. You can also visit the page for last year's goals to see how much I accomplished. I look forward to this year's stitching and checking in on everyone else's progress. Here's to a great year!