For the most part September has been an absolutely lovely month! The weather has been comfortable with cooler evenings and my favourite season is here. I also love samplers which is why I decided to stitch along with the #samplerseptember group, started by KittenStitcher also better known as Theresa Venette. I knew I wanted a smaller sampler that could be done before the month's end so I checked out my stash and decided on Blackbird Designs Blooms for Sarah. My fabric was Vintage Buttermilk by Dixie Sampler Hand Dyed Fabrics and I used a gorgeous Silk 'N Colour Chocolate Caramel for my floss choice. It was a most enjoyable stitch and I completed it this past Saturday.
The picture really doesn't do it justice. Lighting was a real problem when I tried photographing it. After it was done I decided to tackle another sampler I've been wanting to see on my walls. This one is by Willow Hill Samplings and is simply called Pennsylvania Dutch Sampler. I'm stitching it on a lovely piece of 40 ct Silkweaver Burmese Beige using a Limited Edition Gentle Art Floss called Cardinal.
This is a fairly wide sampler and may take me a bit longer but I love the look of the floss on this fabric already. It should be really pretty!! I had another new start the week before my surgery. This one has been waiting many moons in my stash for me to pull it out and get started. I'm fortunate to have quite a few designs by The Primitive Needle and this one was calling to me.
Witches Nine is being stitched on 36 ct Earthen using the suggested WDW floss. I love how it's stitching up!! My kids all love the Halloween designs and have already told me to hang onto them because they love them so much! Speaking of my sons, the weekend before my hip surgery we all got together for our first dinner in Chris and V's new home. It's a rare occasion when I have all three sons together so I took the opportunity to snap a pic.
Chris' cats, my fur grandbabies, Nibs and Beldar got in on the action. Beldar wasn't too polite though baring his backside for the camera! Here's a pic of all of us minus my hubby. Beldar graced us with his face for this one, lol!
That's it for this month. In keeping with October, the temps have started dipping down a tad more the past few days in anticipation. Cozy throws are appearing on the couch and I've stocked the cupboard with some of my favourite fall teas.Wish you could drop by for a visit!
I'm a little late in posting this month. Following my hip replacement surgery I found it difficult to sit for long periods of time. Things are coming along slowly but surely and as of this weekend I am a bit more comfortable and able to devote more time to my computer and stitching. This month's small is a fall design by Stacy Nash called The House on Pumpkin Hill pinkeep. It was a sweet little stitch which I quite enjoyed. The original called for fabric was Charcoal Gray linen which almost looked like it had a bluish tinge in the photo. I didn't have anything similar but upon delving through my fabric I found a Picture This Plus linen that I thought would work. Here's a pic of The House on Pumpkin Hill stitched on Picture This Plus Barnwood with the called for Gentle Art floss.
This will indeed be finished as a pinkeep once I'm able to sit at my sewing machine again. My recovery from my surgery is going well. This is my second hip replacement so I knew what to expect. However the muscles in this hip are much weaker so I'm having to exercise it quite a bit more. When they got me into the OR they discovered that the hip was much worse than the xrays showed and had actually fused so that there was no rotation left in the hip. No wonder I was having such a difficult time moving it!! I had the surgery done on a Thursday and was back home again by the next evening. Very little pain this time and I rested for only a couple of days before I got moving again. Once again my trusty little sidekick stayed by my side and kept me company during my recuperation. After looking at this pic I realized just how much swelling I had in the legs. Things are better now.
Now that I've picked up my needle again I'm working on three different stitches and I still haven't picked out a small to do for next month. Of course it will probably be a Halloween stitch. I love putting out various pinkeep displays throughout the house.
The signs of fall are all around us now and I'm trying to get out and enjoy the emerging colour.
Now I'm off to enjoy my pumpkin spice coffee. See you soon!