I'm dancing! Yes finally, my Nantucket Summer Sampler is a fait accompli! In many ways I'm feeling wistful. I think that this has been my favourite stitch up until now. I'm so pleased with how it has turned out. It's off to the framer's with this one next week. I think a white frame might be nice. Any thoughts? Here's a couple of closer views of the piece.
We had a lovely long Victoria Day weekend here. The weather cooperated with only a sprinkling on the Saturday. My son Chris arrived from Toronto and along with his brother Dan, we all met in the Ottawa market area for my birthday dinner on Friday evening. It was such a beautiful evening that we ate outside on the patio. I chose Tucker's Marketplace for our meal because it's buffet style and that way the vegetarians in our family can also fill up their plates. Following our meal we took a walk through the market and then headed to Chapters bookstore where I was treated again as a Mother's Day gift by Chris and a birthday gift by Dan. I could stay all day in a bookstore! But finally we headed back home where we sat and caught up with the boys.
We're having extreme heat this week! The temperature today is 35 C or 95 F! I returned to work yesterday (unfortunately) and the hospital was downright sticky. Only certain areas such as the OR, Emergency and Obstetrics are air conditioned and the hallways were almost unbearable. Fortunately our department has some air because of all the instruments and the amount of heat they put off. Without the cooling we run into problems with some things overheating. We didn't stay all that cool though because there are always people coming in and out who forget to shut the doors behind them allowing all that hot air from the halls in.
We're having extreme heat this week! The temperature today is 35 C or 95 F! I returned to work yesterday (unfortunately) and the hospital was downright sticky. Only certain areas such as the OR, Emergency and Obstetrics are air conditioned and the hallways were almost unbearable. Fortunately our department has some air because of all the instruments and the amount of heat they put off. Without the cooling we run into problems with some things overheating. We didn't stay all that cool though because there are always people coming in and out who forget to shut the doors behind them allowing all that hot air from the halls in.
By the end of the day I was exhausted due to a combination of the heat and working my first full day post-op. I collapsed into bed upon arriving home and napped for an hour or so. Today I'm off again. They brought me back to work on reduced hours this week. I'm working every other day. They suggested half days all week but because I commute 45 min each way they decided that perhaps alternate days would be better. Next week I'm on for 3 full days followed by 2 days off. Then it's right back into the swing of things with a 7 day stretch. Somehow I think I'll be a tad tired!
I've started 2 new stitches. First off is Lizzie Kate's Prayer Connection. This is to be a gift for the new rector at our church on the occasion of his induction service. I have until October 4 before the service so there's plenty of time. I thought this piece was appropriate since Gregor was responsible for starting up the prayer group in our parish.
I've also put in my first stitches on Forget Me Not by Midsummer Night Designs. There's not enough stitched yet for a pic but I should have one by my next post.
My DH has just finished making up a pitcher of his homemade ice tea. Pefect on a day like today! Here's hoping you can stay cool wherever you are.