It's been an absolutely miserable day here today with high winds and lots of rain. Now as the temperature is dropping, the fog is settling in. A perfect day for stitching. This was a day off for me since I have to work this weekend and with no other plans for the day I settled in for a day with Cirque des Cercles. The day has passed fairly quickly and I'm amazed at the progress I've made. You don't realize just how much you've accomplished until you compare before and after pics. When I looked at my last photo and then at today's I was really pleased at my progress. Mind you I did work on this briefly on a couple of other occasions but the bulk of the stitching was done today. I'm on the last page now and the finish line is in sight!
Here are the before and after pics.

Amazing what you can accomplish when you have a day of stitching without being disturbed!
Yesterday I tried to stitch several times but was always interrupted by a certain little kitty jumping onto my lap and grabbing at the floss. Today however my DH was home and kept her occupied this morning and this afternoon she was all tuckered out. She's been sleeping now for about 2 1/2 hrs. I'm starting to get some better pictures of her now that she's not as skittish. It's just like having kids around again!
During the past couple of weeks I've been fortunate enough to have received two different awards from fellow bloggers. Both are friendship awards.
The second is from Suzanne whose blog I regularly visit.
As stated on Suzanne's blog:
'These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbon's of these prizes are cut, even more
friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these kind writers. When you pass the award along please include these guidelines.'
Thank you ladies! I'm very touched by both these awards. I've made so many new friends through the world of blogging and stitching. I can't imagine what it would be like without all of you now. Friendship is a true blessing. I know that both of these awards require that you pass them along to other blogs but I can't imagine just picking 6 or 8 friends and leaving the rest out! If you're reading this post now consider yourself tagged and award yourself. You are all very special as far as I'm concerned!!
I think that I will have very few days of stitching like this in the next few months. Our lab is due for accreditation in May and any spare time will be spent getting things in order. I'm in charge of point of care testing (POCT) which involves any bedside lab testing such as the use of glucose meters for monitoring blood sugar. This will be my first accreditation since I have taken charge in this area and there is a lot of unfinished work yet. I expect to be working several hours of overtime in the next few months because there is just not enough time during the general work day in which to get everything completed.
My stitching might suffer but then again it might not. Most of this work cannot be done from home and I'll be needing a stress outlet more than ever! Fatigue might be the only deterrent to stitching. So if you find I'm not posting or commenting as much you'll know why. It definitely won't be forever. Perhaps things will go much more smoothly than I anticipate after all, I do tend to panic, lol! There's always hope!