Just haven't been able to put Cirque des Cercles down this week! Every time I feel like stitching it's the project I feel like working on. I find it so calming when I'm stitching on this one and that's definitely what I need these days. The frogs paid a brief visit but the damage wasn't too bad and I've sent them on their way. I've only got about a page and half left to complete so I'm going with it while the urge strikes. I promise, I'll get back to my Mirabilia at some point!
Thank you so much to
Beatrice for the lovely award she passed on to me this past week. I always love it when others appreciate my blog. As for listing 5 of my addictions, well here goes:
1. Breads of any kind, I have a really hard time going without them which is why my diets often fail!
2. Singing - I'm currently in 2 different choirs and if I had more time I'd be joining others
3. Cats! - I can't imagine life without one!
4. Starbucks Gingerbread Latte - this one's my son's fault. He got me started on them. I had no idea they were that good!
5. Ebay - although this last one has slowed down considerably. My stash has grown too much.
Now it's my turn to pass it on
Ladies, I love reading your blogs. Consider yourself tagged and pass it on if you so choose.
I apologize for not commenting on all your posts lately. I do manage to read most of them and enjoy them thoroughly but commenting was taking up too much of my stitching time and I really felt that I needed that time to unwind right now. Some evenings I was spending far too much time on the computer and not enough time stitching. Plus my weekends seem to be kinda crazy lately. If I ever want to finish some of my bigger projects then I have to get back on track at least for a little while. I promise I'll be back sooner rather than later. I often have a little free time in the morning before I head to work and maybe I can squeeze in some time then. Although I don't think tomorrow will be one of those mornings, they're calling for 10 cm of snow. Guess that means I'm out of bed at 4:45 am instead of 5:15. Yuck!!!
Thank goodness I managed to have snow tires put on the new car after work today. It was just my luck that the old ones wouldn't fit on this car however the dealer is going to give me something for them since they were only used for about a month. If I don't like the price he's offering I have two other friends who have offered to buy them off of me. Snow tires are hard to come by around here this year especially with their use being mandatory in Quebec.
I still haven't got a picture of my new car yet. It needs washing first since it's already covered in road salt. Hard to believe but in just a week I've managed to chalk up 1000 km on the odometer.
Gives you an idea of how much I commute.

I've managed one other small finish this past week. It's my Merry ornament from San-Man Originals. This is my first ornament finish for 2009. Now the hunt begins for next month's ornament choice. I have found a freebie from the
Gift of Stitching magazine which ties in nicely with a Valentine's Day theme. I just received

this one in the mail this week with one of my ebay purchases. I haven't decided whether or not I'll use hand dyed fabric or stick to white. Here's a pic of the heart ornie. I've got some lovely silk floss from The Thread Gatherers called In the Burgundy which I think will do perfectly for this one. Will I have it complete by Valentine's Day? Probably not, but I'm not going to sweat it.