Over the years Halloween was a big thing around our house. We always decorated inside and out and quite often my boys' father would answer the door in costume. I find now that my boys are all gone I don't feel much like decorating . Perhaps if my granddaughters lived closer I would. However I still like to carve my special pumpkins. That's what my boys always called them. Here's a sampling of this year's jack-0-lanterns.

The mailman brought me a special gift this week. At the end of the summer I entered a contest on Vonna's blog. She was celebrating her blogger anniversary and had a draw of which I was lucky enough to be one of the winners. She would make a special little something for each of us. On Tuesday my special gift arrived!! I just love it Vonna! I know I saw pics of it on your blog but they didn't do it justice. It is just the sweetest pinkeep!! Vonna knew that autumn was my favourite season and with this in mind she stitched up a pinkeep on that theme by Prairie Schooler. It's my very first pinkeep and has a place of honour on the dry sink in my living room. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!

I've had another new start. A co-worker's daughter is expecting her first child at the end of November. Erin and my oldest son are the same age and often played together when young. I decided that I would do the Trilogy's Baby Spots as a gift for the baby's arrival. Although she already knows that the baby is to be a girl and has chosen a name, I've decided not to take any chances(or jinx things!) and will stitch the name last along with the date of birth. As you can see from my progress pic I haven't got very far on this one yet. I'm off the next couple of days and hope to put some stitches in on it then.
My Snowbirds' SAL has chosen tomorrow as it's date to start but I'm going to be a little delayed. Although I ordered my fabric on Oct. 1st, it has only just come in and was shipped out today. Let's hope Canada Post is good to me and there are no delays in my receiving it. Otherwise I'll just have to spend a couple of days stitching on it to catch up. There are two groups participating in this SAL. One group has chosen LD Paradigm Lost to stitch and the remainder of us has chosen IC Cirques des Cercles. I'm doing the latter. I've chosen a Kiwi Illusions fabric in a soft green (Apple mint) along with some Vicky Clayton overdyed threads called Dragon Hoard. If you check out our blog you'll see some of the lovely threads and fabrics chosen. I'm anxious to get started so I hope that fabric flies here!!
Well, Halloween is over for another year. The doorbell hasn't rung for 30 minutes now.
The final tally - 110! It seems we've equalled our previous numbers after all!